just do "the thing"

this is a reminder for myself: just do the thing.
what am i even talking about?
if you've read any of my blog posts before, you'll know that I want three things:
- Feel confident and secure
- Build strong relationships
- Create financial freedom
This post is going to be geared towards creating financial freedom.
I don't know much about business. I don't know much about marketing. I don't know much about creating a product. I don't know much about customer acquisition. I don't know much at all about running an operation. I consume a lot of content around learning these items however, I never start.
This is about to change. When I think about the type of business to go into, I'm leaning towards a marketing agency or a media company, leaning towards media. In media, I should be writing content and filming videos, neither of which I'm doing. I think about it, but do I do "the thing?" No.
So I'm going to restart writing on here. I'm going to dump thoughts, write in here like a journal, and you can read the interworking of my brain. This is so I can just keep doing the thing: writing and expressing my thoughts and feelings. I'll likely make some of these into videos.
After coming back from Vegas this morning, I had a free day to film. I realized in that moment, "I have no idea what I want to film." I was stuck. So I did the thing. I went outside with my skateboard and camera, and just skated and talked for 30 minutes. I just tried to flesh out any and all ideas on my brain, practicing speaking and holding my camera out in public. it was liberating.
my bad habit is using all my energy thinking about the thing i want to do and eventually not doing it because there may be people judging me for it. i don't want to do that anymore. let's do the thing.