restarting the blog: day 1
Today's motto: do it tired
Today's motto was inspired by yesterday's motto of "give up on your goals because you're tired". I didn't want to feel terrible about myself two days in a row, so I trudged on over to the office.
Unfortunately I ran into a subway stoppage at the L train, hauled my butt over to the G train, all to encounter a train delay there. We eventually made it Shocker.
The monitor at my reserved desk tried its best to not comply with me, so I meandered down to an open desk at the quiet floor and had a refreshing focused work session. That's rare. Chatting up and distracting coworkers is my forte.
I'm currently working on my first SEC audit for a large public bank in Arkansas. I'm loving it. My manager is marvelous, I'm learning the accounting behind banks, learning SEC standards for auditing, oh, and did I mention my manager is marvelous? He is incredibly kind, patient, positive, and attentive. Heaven already has a spot for him.
Despite what I just said, I accepted a recruiting call for another job. The recruiter reached out to me on LinkedIn for a Senior Accountant position for a public tech company with a pay range of 80-140k (likely pays in the midpoint).
The company checks off most of my boxes about industry and pay range, but its financial growth has stagnated for the past two years. I accepted the call for interview practice and to see their offer.
The call was at 4:00 so I headed to a closed conference room with my laptop as 3:55 to prepare. 3:57 comes; I'm getting a little nervous. I check my phone again, 4:00. I'm waiting and doing work on my laptop and it's now 4:03, no call.
I look at her email and facepalm. The call is next Tuesday. I'm dumb LOL
I work some more, eat dinner, and head out around 8:00 and as I walk out of the building, I see snow coming down. It' so pretty!
I don't feel like working out but force myself to do a little session then walk home in the pretty snow!
The longer I live here, the more I enjoy the experience and how novel it is to be in New York. This snowy winter makes me feel that child like excitement. I still can't see myself living here forever though lol
I eventually make my way home, watch My First Million, chat with Anderson and Smile, and now am in bed writing this.
I started the blog back up again because I've taken a major backseat on creating.
For what feels like forever, I've been a consumer of social media that I've become consumed by social media.
I always tell myself "I want to be make videos, be a better writer, start a business edit, play guitar, sing, sew, decorate, etc" All these things sound great but I never manage the time for them.
Today I managed to find the time because I want to make strong decisions for myself. I'm starting the blog again for many reasons: to speak about my emotions, to have a create outlet, to improve my storytelling and writing, and not waste my subscription to host this site lol.
so a big yay for the 1st day !