Pondering my 2023 Goals

As I finished my last day of work in 2022, I'm sitting here thinking about what I want to accomplish in 2023. I'm juggling traveling, moving, finishing the CPA, personal long term goals, and what I view success as.
If you asked me a month ago what my goals were, I would say "get my CPA, move to NYC, work for a small tax accounting firm, start my own firm, and be really rich."
However, I was watching a YouTube video on the War in Ukraine from Channel 5 by Andrew Callaghan that changed my point of view. He interviewed a Ukrainian boy in kindergarten who was staying in a climbing gym that converted into a refugee camp. The boy was so happy that he could climb, be with his cat Mason, and talk about his dreams of becoming a doctor to take care of his mother.
I started crying so hard because he was so happy amongst being in one of the worst situations on the planet. It made me reevaluate my life goals and what impact I want to have in the world. I realized my goals were too selfish. I still do want to start my own accounting firm and be rich; however, I simultaneously want to help others and use my privilege to give back to others.
Potential Goals
- Study one module a day until I get the CPA
- Move to NYC by June
- Start a guide/videos to educate others on the importance of education, recruiting for internships/jobs, and financial literacy
- Learn more about US and global politics
- Stick to a routine and cut out distraction
These goals are tentative and I'll probably finalize this list with graphics and timelines, but I got to get ready for Countdown.