nyc day 8: trapped and starving
another weekday, another workday
Today is day 3 of the month end close so it's chaos. Not really, just busy. I hopped on early since I woke up around 8:30 and worked a little until the Wi-Fi stopped working.
Time passed and I needed to teach Xavier, the new accountant, how to book more journal entries. I walk over to Pause Cafe with all my work gear, sit down, and the WiFi is out there as well. The girl next to me tells me the Wi-Fi is out all over and Spectrum is the issue.
I was doomed for work. 💡! I realize that I have unlimited data and hot spot! Thanks Mom, Love you. I walk back to the apartment connect to the hot spot and start working. A couple hours in, I get hungry so I walk over to the bodega at the end of the block and buy a 1/2 gallon of milk and a box of Trix. It was $13??!!
It's whatever, I pay and go back to the apartment. I open the app that opens the apartment door and it says "Offline." The apartment buzzer uses Wi-Fi to open. I'm stuck... Until I call Nick and ask him to let me in, who does.
I eat my Trix, work, take lunch, work, and get super hungry. It's 2:30 and the Wi-Fi is not back yet. I can't leave since I can't get back. Then I realize there is something called delivery. I'm starving and cop some Chipotle for $21 instead of the usual $9.25, but WHATEVER. I'm starving and dying.
Alvin. my DoorDasher, drops it off and I'm ecstatic. I bring it upstairs and get to chowing down. A couple bites in, I realize they drenched my bowl in their hot salsa. Chipotle don't play with that hot salsa, it's HOT. And they didn't give me any sour cream!
I'm halfway through my bowl and feel like I'm on Hot Ones with Sean Evans. I'm drinking so much water that my stomach is bloated more than a blue whale. I couldn't take another bite since I was so bloated, but my stomach is now feeling so awful. I just laid in bed for 30 minutes after.
BUT AT LEAST I WASN'T HUNGRY. There's always a positive.
I then keep working until around 11:00 to round out a bunch of things for the close and now I'm watching Hot Ones with Sean Evans since I brought it up. GN
Today's Spending 6/5/2023
- 1/2 gallon of milk & Trix - $13
- Chipotle Delivered - $21.40
- Apartment WiFi (forgot to mention) - $22
- Total Spending - 56.40