nyc day 3&4: work & chill

I'm grouping yesterday and today together because they've been pretty similar, aaaaaaaaaand I was too lazy to write a post yesterday.
A large portion of both of my days have been work. Since I'm training someone new on PST, I've been working from 11:00-8:00, which put a little damper on my schedule.
Yesterday, I totally slept in, worked, ate here at the apartment, and really just chilled. I've been very money conscious lately about being financially responsible, living within my means, and saving. Hence, I've stayed in. After work yesterday at 8:30pm, I decided to bring my light, small mirror, and barber equipment to cut my hair on the dark terrace outside.
The bathroom is pretty small and I didn't want to make a mess with my hair all over the place, so I decided the terrace would likely be the best place. Now that I'm thinking about it, the living room probably would have been better.
I did not have two mirrors, so I just cut the back of my head without looking. I think it's fine, or at least I hope so. I wanted to go outside since I was cooped up working all day, so I decided to grab a Citi Bike and ride around the city. I biked from Alphabet City to Midtown, took pics of the Empire State Building, and went into Time Square. I had no idea how big Time Square actually was! I've only been to the main section where you are surrounded by all the bright billboards. There were lots of tourists enjoying the city, which was nice to see. I eventually left, took the metro back home, and watched TikTok till I fell asleep.
This morning, I had our first apartment showing! Funnily enough, the broker called me and told me he was leaving but left the door open for us to show ourselves around. I walked 30 minutes to this place in Kips Bay and went inside to this dark basement unit. I flipped the first light switch, lights didn't turn on. I find the second, lights didn't turn on.
This place had no electricity! Which was HILARIOUS because the broker told me to turn the lights off after I left. AND HE SAID HE WAS JUST THERE. Caught his cap. Anyways, the apartment was a decently sized 3 bed 2 bath; but was SUPER dark. Literal bat cave. Both my potential roommate, Robert, and I thought it was a pass so I went on home to work.
The rest of my day was chill; I worked, ate, worked some more, and made dinner while watching Game 1 of the NBA Finals.
I'm PROUD of my little spending these past few days! But also I need to get out and enjoy the restaurants and things the city has to offer! I think I'll do that after I'm not working.
Spending 5/31/2023 & 6/1/2023
- Citi Bike - $4.49
- Metro - $2.75
- Total Spending - $7.24