nyc day 10: apocalyptic & unemployed

i'm officially unemployed.
but let's talk about the more pressing issue, the air quality in NYC. today I walked out of the apartment to pick up my final check from FedEx. My god, this has not gotten better. I checked the weather app to see an air quality index rating of 272. Let me tell you, that's not what you want to see.
Luckily this morning I found N95 masks at Walgreens, which were $25 for 7 masks (well worth it). As I'm back at the apartment for my last day at work, the smoky air is even filling my apartment and now I'm getting a slight headache. I have to wear these masks even inside now?? The outside air was being funneled in through the AC and opening near the AC mount, which is now covered up with t-shirts and the air is thankfully fine now.
This headache is getting increasingly annoying and I want an air purifier ASAP. Walking up the metro steps into the streets of Midtown, I realize the air is real bad. The city looks like a scene out of Blade Runner 2049. This is the worst I've seen it. The appliance store was obviously out of air purifiers, but it was worth the shot.

I head back to the apartment, take my lunch, nap, and it's already 4:00pm. It's my last hour at ASM and give my two trainee staff accountants advice on navigating the company and job. I then hop on to say my goodbye to the team and boom.
I'm officially unemployed!
I will be unemployed for the next 6 weeks, in which I've been thinking what to do with my time. Today I started to vlog my day and will probably make lifestyle videos and explore the city. As I was putting together the video, I realized vlogging is a lot different than blogging. I have to focus on a storyline and speak concisely, which I'm not that great doing (currently).
Tonight, I'm going to schedule my time to keep being productive. I know myself and if I don't have a plan to do anything, I don't really do anything. I want to create a balance of making YouTube videos, working on this website, trying new things in NYC, and studying audit before I start my new job in mid July.
Cheers to funemployment, maybe I'll even travel somewhere.
Today's Spending 6/7/2023
Walgreens (Masks, Mouthwash, & Sunscreen) - $43.73
Metro (3x) - $8.25
Eggs & Milk - $11.49
Total Spending - $63.47