day 13, 14, &15: neglect

i've been lazy with the blog posts.
honestly i've been caught up in going somewhere in the day, eating, and just chilling. i'm also trying to make vlogs and trying to make my first video, so i'm shifting more towards trying to shoot and edit a youtube video.
here's a sum up of notable things i've done the past couple days
- went to 3 flea markets and purchased a pretty sick nascar trucker hat
- met my roommate anderson for the first time, he's pretty cool
- started vlogging in the park, typed up a general script, and still shooting the footage and editing
- working on making a budget spreadsheet to track my money
and lots of tik tok and youtube in between. i'm getting more comfortable bringing my camera in public and filming, even though no one cares at the end of the day. i just need to keep working hard during this month of unemployment