44: midtown

midtown. where time square, my office, the second batch of pad thai i made and blxst's new song is.
but in more positive news, i hung my pegboard today!
i finally found a beam to screw it in and happy with the placement. we're improving the room one step at a time. i also purchased a print of a painting and a poster for my room. we'll see if the images look fine blown up since i got them in large prints.
i also made some more mid pad thai but at least it was better than yesterday's. we're slowly improving.
i then decided to head over to midtown to check out where my office is since I had not ever been there. i start my new job next week so that's going to be exciting! the office is in midtown, pretty close to time square so it was busy but i walked around the surrounding area and checked out food options near the office.
i then went to bryant park which is super close to the office and decided to shoot some flicks because the park is pretty and i wanted to keep taking and editing photos.

after chilling and taking pictures for an hour or two, i was getting dehydrated and skated my way back home. i stopped by madison square park to flick up and proceeded on my merry way home.
went home, made some dinner, and used my new barber cape! definitely should have bought this sooner but happy i had it now. i trimmed a bit off the top to even my hair out. and that's all :)