36: defeated

36: defeated

today i learned a valuable lesson. sometimes paying a little more is worth it.

we'll get to that later. the day started with a nice slice of avocado toast and some grapes since they were 1.99 a pound. i had to make sure i was fueled up for the day because today was IKEA day.

anderson and i went to the ikea in brooklyn to pick up a bunch of things we needed for the apartment. we both arrived at 12:00 and picked up a bunch of things. plates, bowls, cups, trash can, pots, pans, towels, and a whole bunch of other things. we bought a lot of things and i was concerned how we were going to get it all back, but we made it work with four huge ikea bags. ngl anderson takes hella long to shop so we left ikea around 3:00.

after we lugged all of our items to our apartment in the 85 degree heat and 50% humidity, it was time to chill. luckily my room has AC so we blasted that bad boy, laid on the floor til we were chilling, and blew up my air mattress. vibes.

for free

we checked out facebook marketplace for other furniture and found a kitchen island for $150 and negotiated it down to $110. the guy lived in Noho so it was a 16 minute walk to his apartment on the second floor, so we took a nice trip over and got the island. it had plastic wheels so we started rolling it back and it was all fine and dandy.

that was until one of the wheels busted off. that's when things turned miserable.

we opted to carry the kitchen island all the way back home. and this kitchen island was heavy. we would walk half a block and the edges of the island would be cutting into my fingers and i would put the island down. my forearms were burning. i tried different hand positions, rolling it on 3 wheels, and over the head.

when we were trying to set the island down from over the head, i dropped it faster than anderson and thankfully other people helped him set our island down or else it could have been bad. in that process, the table cut my wrist and all my sweat flooded into the scrape. not fun.

i was exhausted carrying the island, my forearms were dead, and my hands were hurting. i learned in that moment, pay a little extra for things to be new and delivered. it took us like an hour and a half to lug this thing all the way back to the apartment and it was awful. awful. we finally got the island to the apartment and bringing it up the stairs wasn't that bad since we took the drawers and shelves out.

as soon as we got back, the ground i went immediately. i sprawled on the floor of my AC filled room delirious as can be. the experience was awful, but honestly fun. i find the worst experiences make the best memories. we were laughing for an hour about our whole experience.